Welcome to SIRDI
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Tractor Services
Services/Servicios One passes Two passes Minimum Tillage/Laboreo Minimo $130.00 Subsoiling/Subsolado $80.00 $150.00 Plowing/Arado $90.00 $170.00 Harrowing/Refinado $40.00 $70.00 Furrowing/Surcanado $30.00 Covering/Tapando $35.00 Cultivation/Cultivacion $25.00 Bush Hogging/Chapiadora $35.00 Fertilizer Application/Applicacion de Fertilizante $35.00 Herbicide Application/Applicacion de Herbicida $25.00 Trash Lining/Alinar de Rastrojo $15.00 For further information contact the offices at SIRDI – 6674734
Our Services list